Category Archives: Pre-need Guardian


A competent adult may name a pre-need guardian by making a written declaration that names such guardian to serve in the event of the declarant’s incapacity. The written declaration must reasonably identify the declarant and pre-need guardian and be signed by the declarant in the presence of at least two attesting witnesses present at the same time.

The declarant may file the declaration with the clerk of the court. When a petition for incapacity is filed, the clerk shall produce the declaration. Production of the declaration in a proceeding for incapacity shall constitute a rebuttable presumption that the pre-need guardian is entitled to serve as guardian. The court shall not be bound to appoint the pre-need guardian if the pre-need guardian is found to be unqualified to serve as guardian.

The pre-need guardian shall assume the duties of guardian immediately upon an adjudication of incapacity. If the pre-need guardian refuses to serve, a written declaration appointing an alternate pre-need guardian constitutes a rebuttable presumption that such pre-need guardian is entitled to serve as guardian. The court is not bound to appoint the alternate pre-need guardian if the alternate pre-need guardian is found to be unqualified to serve as guardian.

Within 20 days after assumption of duties as guardian, a pre-need guardian shall petition for confirmation of appointment. If the court finds the pre-need guardian to be qualified to serve as guardian, appointment of the guardian must be confirmed.

Florida statues 744.3045 Preneed guardian

Improving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education a priority. President Obama made improving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education a priority. To meet the nation's evolving workforce needs, America will need to add 1 million more STEM professionals by 2022.
— Homer Hartage

The Hartage Foundation to host it's annual scholarship fundraiser in December.  The fundraiser is to raise money to support college scholarships for African American college bound students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics (STEM) fields of study.  The date and location to be announced.

A March 16, 2016 report indicates that African-Americans received just 7.6 percent of all STEM bachelor's degrees and 4.5 percent of doctorates in STEM. In 2011, 11 percent of the workforce was black, while 6 percent of STEM workers were black (up from 2 percent in 1970).  The future will belong to those who know and use technology better.  America is better when everyone participates.

FACT SHEET: Spurring African-American STEM Degree Completion